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Neitiv's Journey: From Local Expos to the Big Stage!

Neitiv's Journey: From Local Expos to the Big Stage!

Our participation in the Food & Drink Expo at the NEC Birmingham was a game-changer! We had only attended local expos catering to small businesses for the past two years, and had never experienced anything on this scale. Despite having some initial reservations regarding the high costs and if the investment was worthwhile, we decided to take the leap! After discussing with Bethany, one of the event’s organisers who encouraged us and was excited about the prospect of Neitiv joining the line-up, we signed up just three days before the event! 


On arrival to the venue, we began to see the magnitude of the event, surrounded by construction teams setting up high budget stands around us. With only a car boot load of our boxes and products, Keeran and I managed to set up our minimalist booth showcasing our Coconut Flower Beer and up-cycled products within 4 hours.


Although we felt intimidated by the impressive booths of other businesses, our nerves were calmed when people started gathering around our booth, attracted by our eye-catching packaging. They were curious to learn about our brand and our unique ingredient. It was rewarding to learn that almost everyone who sampled our beer enjoyed it because of its distinctive taste, aroma, and sustainability.


Throughout the three-day event (24th-26th April), our booth was constantly busy, and we were fortunate to have Kirsty join us as part of the team. Although exhausting, the buzz of the experience was fantastic, with all three of us being proud to share the story of Neitiv as a team. 

We received a lot of positive feedback about our beverage and connected with many potential customers and businesses. Some even placed orders with us on the day of the event, expressing their desire to be our long-term partners.

Our success at the Food & Drink Expo in Birmingham has inspired us to participate in more large-scale food and drink events.We are excited to continue sharing our unique and sustainable offerings with the world, and we would like to thank everyone who visited our booth for their support and encouragement. ❤️


 Life Is Beautiful If You Stay United With Nature 🌎



I am a simple person who wants to live a simple life while spreading positivity by helping people around the world. I believe empowerment, mindfulness and sustainability are interconnected to create an equal, peaceful and prosperous world. I hope each of us can try to be a little bit ethical, so that the world will be a better place to live. 


We tell you stories of personal encounters, insights, anecdotes, experiences, and our learnings. Hopefully, we make your day just a tad bit brighter. You know us as a brand, but we’d like to be something more. Well-wishers or friends maybe? Please do write back to us if you like something we send you. We’d love to hear from you. If you would like to contribute anecdotes, stories, or knowledge, and be part of Neitiv family, please get in touch at
Empowerment | Mindfulness | Sustainability
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