Are you like me and are always taking little steps to become more eco-friendly?
Many of us are opting for more sustainable ways of living and buying, however it seems when a celebration comes along like a 🎂 birthday or 💕 Valentine’s Day, the eco warriors amongst us sometimes seem to conveniently take off our helmets and lay down our swords!
While we hope the love shared during this period continues, we so hope the impact on mother nature will not.
This year join us in pledging to gift more responsibly. You can still spread the love …just in a way that loves thy planet too. And also, Valentine’s day – it's not just about exhibiting your love to others. Why do we always save our feelings for someone else? You can show some love towards you and treat yourself! Remember, 🥰 self-love isn’t selfish.
Here you go, the 10 thoughtful, green ways to say ‘I love you’!;
- Utilise technology! Make a video message and send it to your love first thing in the morning.
- Who doesn’t love a poem…It can come straight from the heart, presented on a personalised recycled piece of paper/card, or texted or emailed across to the lucky muse.
- Do it the old way! Create a personal playlist, what better way to reminisce and set the tone.
- Make dessert together, with millions of delicious vegan recipes online to follow who needs pre-packaged goodies to get tongues wagging!
- Plantable cards – A new phenomenon for those of you who cannot resist the physical handing over of heartfelt words…these biodegradable pages envelope seeds which can be planted after that week on the mantle.
- Go for a romantic walk and hold hands the entire way.
- Have a movie night at home, with freshly popped popcorn and some vegan ice cream!
- If you would like to gift 🎁 … go for eco-friendly gift options and buy from small businesses. Check out our gift collection for some thoughtful purchases. Neitiv gift sets offer a complete all-inclusive and exclusive experience - Light the candle, open a beer, sit back, relax, and enjoy. A totally new experience that anyone can enjoy. The gift receiver will feel that their time was valued.

Communication leads to a better relationship, happiness, and greater love. Hence, inform your partner of your budget, your love towards our earth and ask him/her what they expect on the special day. Sometimes meeting one’s expectation is more important than an element of surprise but remember whatever token of love you choose make sure it’s not at mother natures expense.
Let’s share the love for yourself, each other and our planet 364 days a year, 7 days a week….. 😍

I am a busy mama of 2, with a love of great food, and good music. An animal lover, intrigued by naturopathy, I feel at peace when in the great outdoors exploring.

We tell you stories of personal encounters, insights, anecdotes, experiences, and our learnings. Hopefully, we make your day just a tad bit brighter. You know us as a brand, but we’d like to be something more. Well-wishers or friends maybe? Please do write back to us if you like something we send you. We’d love to hear from you. If you would like to contribute anecdotes, stories, or knowledge, and be part of Neitiv family, please get in touch at
Empowerment | Mindfulness | Sustainability
1 comment
An absolute pleasure to read, people often don’t think of the most down to earth and thoughtful suggestions as these are a breath of fresh air.