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It doesn’t matter who we kiss, or the clothes that we wear!

It doesn’t matter who we kiss, or the clothes that we wear!

LGBTQ+ History month is for everyone! It is a month-long (1st-28th Feb), annual celebration to promote equality and diversity. It raises awareness and educates the world about matters that affect the LGBTQ+ community, and to combat homophobia, transphobia and other forms of prejudice. Let’s celebrate diversity and respect each other! This month we bring an inspiring story from our guest blogger Becs.

Firstly, let me start this blog by introducing myself. I’m Becs, I’m 35, I’m a wife, a mama and a queer woman.

Like most members of the LGBTQ+ community, I spent most of my teens and early adult life struggling with my identity. Not because of my sexuality or my gender, I’ve always been super proud of both. Being queer and a woman but with the stigma and stereotypes that society placed on me.

For those of you wondering why I call myself queer. For many years the word queer was used as a slur towards us, “you f****** queers”, so now most of us use it to take ownership and power back to that word.

I’ve always been a more masculine presenting lesbian. That’s just my energy and now I fully embrace it and love that about me, but damn it has been hard getting to that point of self-acceptance.

Take shopping for clothes for example, really feminine clothes have never been my vibe but shopping in the “men’s” section was always uncomfortable. Nowhere to try on the clothes as well as people sometimes staring and commenting.

The lead up to formal events, like weddings or work parties was an absolute anxiety rollercoaster. I would be so scared to wear a suit for the judgement people would make, all the while knowing it’s the only outfit I would feel comfortable in.

There were times when I felt like a total outsider. Even as a small child I remember boys not wanting to play with me because I was a girl, but the girls didn’t want to play with me because I was like a boy.

Fast forward to 35 year old Becs and I am so proud to be queer and a woman. Most of all I’m proud to be me and love all of me for exactly who I am.

It doesn’t matter who we kiss, or the clothes that we wear. All that matters is being your authentic self! So, on that note, let’s all crack open a cold Neitiv Coconut Flower Beer and toast ourselves for the awesome humans we are!!!

Neitiv Coconut Flower Lager

LGBTQ+ History Month


Neitiv Guest Blogger & Spanglish ocean lover, trying to live a mindful and grateful life.

We tell you stories of personal encounters, insights, anecdotes, experiences, and our learnings. Hopefully, we make your day just a tad bit brighter. You know us as a brand, but we’d like to be something more. Well-wishers or friends maybe? Please do write back to us if you like something we send you. We’d love to hear from you. If you would like to contribute anecdotes, stories, or knowledge, and be part of Neitiv family, please get in touch at
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Coconut Flower Beer
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  • What a brilliant post, straight and to the point. Straight ( is that the right word?) Older people ( I’m in my 60s) still need to be educated about LGBTQ+ as it was always hidden behind doors and very few people were “out” when I was growing up. So saying the right words and my reactions are not always acceptable, I apologise for this.
    Well done Becs that is brilliant , you are an amazing person and I’m so pleased you are comfortable with your gorgeous self. 🏳️‍🌈

  • Well done Becs, that’s so open and honest and so very you!!! Love you and miss you xxx

    Orla Freeman

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